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Let Me Preach's podcast (L.M.P)

Why do I want you to listen ?
I want to bring inspiration toward the dreams, you and I have. It will change the narrative from all culture and will have power to make things changes in the right way.
It will look like a booklet of misadventures stories with a good ending.
I would like that my talk-show become a legacy from a young millennial who has struggled to get things right all the way,everyday and even now.     However, a promising unreleased talented person who  know how “made it” slowly thank to conversations with many smart people. I want leave a black print of a culture who will impact a new life for our and the new generation and most important a new creative nation.
« Learning  from our mistakes, figures out our responsibilities » he says. Knowing and taking the media to do better and communicate to build the best of human kind he like to “Preach”.
Hebdo show

Jun 21, 2020

Let Me Preach Podcast, the life hack podcast for millennials that bring the unfiltered conversations to your earphone.

Today's episode:

Let Me Break the News ( Commentary News):

- Critic Starvation case in Yemen - Colonialist Empire trying to remind Africa that is still an institutional Slave continent. (Beef France & Cameroon)

- The Comeback of the KKK - Confederate Flag issues - Trump Ad remove for use of old Nazi symbol.

- Rayshard Brook, another black man murders like in slavery. Let Me Preach on (Conversation)

What are we expecting from our entertainer, artist, and public figure of the entertainment industry? Should we expect much from our public figures from that sector? Would you date a 9-5 worker?

B. Simone affirmed she would not. J. Cole & Noname, a beef between them, after a release of J.Cole new single "Snow on the Bluff". Would you cancel J.Cole?

Always Good Always Pretty, Be the better version of yourself ! Thank you for listening ! 


Trump Facebook Ad (video)

Charly Gabriel Mbock (Cameroonian writer, french language Book)

Rayshard Brook - Arrest & Murder (video)

J.Cole - Snow on tha Bluff Song

B.Simone's comment on her relationship expectations. Interview Nick Cannon / Explanation of her comments.

Kirsten & Julian Saunder blog - Rich & Regular  

Connect with us on Social:

Email us  Let Me Preach 

Host: Kaycee  Instagram Twitter Parler 

Co-host: Leny 

Thank You for Listening!